Episode 08 - FBomb

Time Wasters Club with eddyizm

I keep telling myself that drinking too much is a bad idea, particularly when doing a podcast, but I just can't seem to abide. When I have new people I don't know very well or even if I do, I want to celebrate life with them and get over the anxiety and jitters of recording a podcast. This one went on for about 3 hours and I don't remember half of it. Holy shit, talk about a disaster. I cut it off at around an hour and may not ever release the rest of it. I hope you guys enjoy it because at the very least, I really enjoyed making it :-)
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Lesson of the week - Don't get so hammered where I lose my glasses and can't remember how I got into bed.

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Please contact me with comments, questions, suggestions for the next episode:
http://instagram.com/eddyizm |  https://twitter.com/eddyizm
